
Category: General

Membership of the ECF at Silver or higher is a requirement to take part in various competitions which are rated by the ECF

Category: General

Please see Types of Classes (hyperlink).

Category: General

The process for joining or renewing ECF Membership is explained on its website at https://www.englishchess.org.uk/ecf-membership-rates-and-joining-details/ . An offer of one year’s free membership is available for juniors who have not previously been members of the Federation.

Category: General

Please complete the Membership Form (hyperlink), Termly Fees Form (hyperlink) and return the completed forms by email to richmond_junior_chess_club@hotmail.com

Category: General

Both beginners and more advanced players are welcome. We have three levels of classes to accommodate all children with interests in chess.

Category: General

We run Girls classes. Apart from school term time, we also offer holiday camps.

Category: General

Orleans Park School, Richmond Rd, Twickenham TW1 3BA

Category: General

Richmond Junior Chess Club is open for all children from 5 to 18 years of age.